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My experience with Human Growth Hormone


by Lynne

First, I'd like to address our right to try. Doctors like to say "HGH is the most abused substance in the world because there is no way to test for it in athletes". And we are all aware of the overly-bulky builds some athletes have.

But I am a female in my 60s, and I do not abuse HGH: for the first year, I circumspectly took only one unit per day and reported back to my medical provider my results. Only now, we have upped our daily dose to good effect. In my opinion, my use of HGH should be between me and my medical provider. The FDA has no right to get in the way of my good work decreasing the signs of aging. It is my lifestyle, and I choose it. And, as far as I know, there is no research showing how measured use of HGH would be harmful. More importantly, losing muscle mass and becoming frail is unacceptable.

I decided to write this today because of my eyesight improvement, which no one claims is a thing, at least by looking for vids about it on youtube. When I first started HGH, my readers were 2x. Quickly, I was able to decrease that to 1.25. I have no idea what the mechanism would be that would work that quickly, but I'll take it.

I would guess that my eyes improved from the neurological bump I got by immediately sleeping better, from a healing effect, or both. That is, HGH helped me sleep deeper. During the sleep, I recovered from the day's workout. Before HGH, I did not go to the gym often because my muscles became tender and stayed tender as if bruised. After HGH, I woke up stretching my muscles which felt fabulous.

A few days ago, we upped my daily HGH. At first, I slept too deeply and drooled which I reported to Stefan who told me to carry on. By the second day, I was used to it and did not drool. By then, I found that I did not need my readers while watching netflix. I have been using the readers to help read the subtitles which I like to have on. Everything looks clearer. I still use the 1.25 to read up close, but everything is clearer.

I would like to point out, as I always tell people at our Human Performance Arena, that, as much as I love the many longevity treatments I do for myself weekly, that nothing is as important as what we eat and drink. I still would not sleep well if I downed coffee the way my parents did. I still would not sleep well if I drank alcohol. If I did not keep carbs low, I would suffer. Longevity is a lifestyle that is luxurious work. It is a lot of work, but the results are fabulous.


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